Minima Colored 3 Blogger Template

Download free premium Minima Colored 3 Blogger Template

Blogger Template Name: Minima Colored 3
Platform: Blogger
Template Author: Arlina Design  
Minima Colored 3 Blogger Template lebih disesuaikan dalam tampilan, fitur dan juga SEO. Berikut fitur template Minima Colorful 3 Responsif, SEO, validator alat uji Google, heading dinamis, gaya 2 kolom, warna dasar lampu, desain datar sederhana, navigasi atas, navigasi utama, auto read more dengan thumbnail dan masih banyak lagi.

Responsive True
SEO True
Custom Threaded Comment True
2 Column True
Light Base Theme Color True
Top Navigation True
Main Navigation True
Auto Read More with Thumbnail True
Responsive Ad Slot True
Breadcrumbs True
Related Posts with Thumb True
Search Box True
Social Share Button True
Sidebar Tab Widget True
Custom 404 Page True
Smooth Scroll back To Top True
Better Print Page Layout True
4 Color Option True
Well Documentation True